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DNArt® Product Lines
DNArt® CreatorSet
Genomics Services


DNArt® Product Lines

DNArt®’s products are a great gift to yourself, to your friends, family and colleages – surprise all of them!

DNArt@Readymade: Ready-made products featuring the hottest, most attractive symbols, graphics, signatures or verbal messages can be ordered as you see them (Catalog 2011/2012). Products include for instance shirts, T-Shirts, or other types of sports and leisure wear, useful items such as stationery, writing pads and other office supplies, post cards, packaging material, ceramic mugs. See also currently available list of DNArt@Readymade products.

DNArt®Customized: Choose your item, choose your favorite symbols, graphics, signatures or verbal messages, and, in combining them, create your own ‘individualized’ products. We will label and finalize the product for you accordingly. DNArt®Customized is meant for private customers as well as retail and whole sale.  

DNArt®Personalized: Choose your item, choose, if you want, your favorite symbols, graphics, or verbal messages, and have in addition your authentic, personalized DNA signature discovered by application of modern DNA technologies and visualized on your chosen item. To make a very special gift to yourself, choose an item of particular personal value to you. Contact us for details.

DNArt®IndustrialDesign: DNArt® will make available and/or develop, design and apply DNArt®Symbols, DNArt®Graphics, DNArt®Signatures as well as DNArt®VerbalMessages for any industrial design or desired mass product of interest. We will assist you in customizing and refining all products according to your wishes for wholesale and retail industry. Please contact us for further information.

DNArt®LuxuryLine: As a special and unique feature, DNArt® offers you the opportunity to have your very personal, authentic signature, and ultimately you intire unique genome visualized, displayed, at a scale and by use of materials and pieces that only few in this world can afford. An absolutely exclusive creation. Please contact us for further information.

 © 2004-2012 DNArt®, All rights reserved

DNArt | DNArt@DNArt.de